Friday, December 2, 2011

Summer, Winter, Boom and Bust

So, over the past four years or so, since I first got a macbook, I've produced about 50 tracks with amateur equipment and software. A large percentage of these are terrible, and I don't intend to share these with you. However, some of them, I've decided I like. Here's a couple of those.

This first track I wrote while working late in the day by myself on Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton. Summer of 2010. I was worried that the sun would set before I finished the pail of caulking I had just mixed. At the time the news was full of foreclosures and oil spills down down south, America way, and I couldn't help but think, "Damned if Alberta ain't a fine place to be."

Calgary Blues by fingerpickingood

This next track is fairly recent. My luck's been pretty good since moving to Calgary, but that ain't true for everyone. So sometimes you gotta write a hard-luck song. The odd sounding solo instrument you hear is the sound of me whistling run through a bitcrusher.

1 comment:

janice said...

Loved Alberta leave the lights on - had it in my head all day, when I listened.